Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tiết 15, Unit 3: At home (Lesson 4) - Năm học 2011-2012 - Phan Thị Thanh Luyến

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Tiết 15, Unit 3: At home (Lesson 4) - Năm học 2011-2012 - Phan Thị Thanh Luyến


1. Educational aim: Help students be careful with dangerous things.

2. Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

 - Identify the dangerous things in the home and public warnings.

 - Review structure Why –Because, develop reading skill of the posters or warnings.



Teachers activities Students activities

1. Warm – Up: (5)

- Ask students to describe how to make the “Special Chinese Fried Rice”

- Have students play game: “Bingo”: write the ingredients to make it.

2. Pre – Reading: (5)

- Ask students to write networks of things that can be dangerous to children in the home.

 What can be dangerous to small children in the home? (Knife/electricity/ electrical sockets/scissors/ drug/matches/ )

-Present the vocabulary precautions, chemicals, matches, electrical socket, injure, destroy, cause a fire, and keep out of childrens reach.

- Play the tape for students.

3. While – Reading: (20)

- Have students read the posters silently.

- Ask students to answer True/ False sentences.

a. F It is safe to keep medicine in locked cupboards.

 b. T

 c. F A kitchen is a dangerous place to play.

 d. F Playing with one match can cause a fire.

 e. T

 f. T

- Ask students to correct the wrong sentences.

- Ask students to read the poster again.

- Ask students the questions about the poster.

a. Why must we put all chemicals and drugs in locked cupboards?

b. Why mustnt we let children play in the kitchen?

c. Why mustnt children play with a match?

d. Why must we cover electrical covers?

e. Why do we have to all dangerous objects out of childrens reach?

- Check and correct the answers.

a. Because children often try to eat and drink them.

b. Because the kitchen is a dangerous place.

c. Because playing with matches can cause a fire.

d. Because children mustnt put anything into electrical sockets. Electricity can kill.

e. Because they can injure or kill children.

- Call some students to practice in pairs.

- Remind students of the grammar note: Why _ Because

4. Post – Reading: (13)

- Have students write “Networks” to memorize the vocabulary.

5. Homework: (2)

 Ask students to reread the poster.

 Do exercises 5,6 / p.24,25 (workbook)

 Prepare next lesson: Unit 3- Write/ p.32, 33.

- Write.

- Play game.

- Think and say.

 dangerous things

- Listen and write.

- Listen to the tape.

- Read silently.

- Group works.

- Correct.

- Read silently.

- Pair works.

- Answer the questions.

- Pair works.

- Listen.

- Write networks.

Take note.


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Week: 5	 Date of preparation:21/ 09/ 2011
Period: 15	 Date of teaching: 22/ 09/ 2011
1. Educational aim: Help students be careful with dangerous things.
2. Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
	- Identify the dangerous things in the home and public warnings.
	- Review structure Why –Because, develop reading skill of the posters or warnings.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm – Up: (5’)
- Ask students to describe how to make the “Special Chinese Fried Rice”
- Have students play game: “Bingo”: write the ingredients to make it.
2. Pre – Reading: (5’)
- Ask students to write networks of things that can be dangerous to children in the home.
 What can be dangerous to small children in the home? (Knife/electricity/ electrical sockets/scissors/ drug/matches/)
-Present the vocabulary precautions, chemicals, matches, electrical socket, injure, destroy, cause a fire, and keep out of children’s reach.
- Play the tape for students. 
3. While – Reading: (20’)
- Have students read the posters silently.
- Ask students to answer True/ False sentences.
a. F ª It is safe to keep medicine in locked cupboards.
 b. T
 c. F ª A kitchen is a dangerous place to play.
 d. F ª Playing with one match can cause a fire.
 e. T
 f. T
- Ask students to correct the wrong sentences.
- Ask students to read the poster again.
- Ask students the questions about the poster.
a. Why must we put all chemicals and drugs in locked cupboards?
b. Why mustn’t we let children play in the kitchen?
c. Why mustn’t children play with a match? 
d. Why must we cover electrical covers?
e. Why do we have to all dangerous objects out of children’s reach?
- Check and correct the answers.
a. Because children often try to eat and drink them.
b. Because the kitchen is a dangerous place.
c. Because playing with matches can cause a fire.
d. Because children mustn’t put anything into electrical sockets. Electricity can kill.
e. Because they can injure or kill children.
- Call some students to practice in pairs.
- Remind students of the grammar note: Why _ Because
4. Post – Reading: (13’)
- Have students write “Networks” to memorize the vocabulary.
5. Homework: (2’)
 Ask students to reread the poster.
 Do exercises 5,6 / p.24,25 (workbook) 
 Prepare next lesson: Unit 3- Write/ p.32, 33.
- Write.
- Play game.
- Think and say.
 dangerous things
- Listen and write. 
- Listen to the tape. 
- Read silently.
- Group works. 
- Correct.
- Read silently.
- Pair works.
- Answer the questions.
- Pair works.
- Listen.
- Write networks.
Take note.

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  • docEnglish 8 tiet 15 Unit 3 Read.doc