Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 15 Lesson: wonders of the world (cont) - Period 122: Preparation

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 15 Lesson: wonders of the world (cont) - Period 122: Preparation

Lesson Plan (grade 11 – advanced)

Period 122: Preparation date : 14/04/2008

Unit : 15 Lesson : wonders of the world. (cont)

I. Aims :

- By the end of the lesson, the students are able to scan reading for specific information.

- By the end of the lesson, the students will know more about wonders of the world.

II. Lexical items :

- statistics - suppose - under construction - vote

- iron frame - engineer

III. Structures :

- The Eiffel Town in Paris, France is said to be among the tallest man-made structures in the word.

- Seven of twenty five nominated sites will be elected the New Seven Wonders of the world

IV. Teaching aids:

- textbook - picture / drawings

- chalk - handouts

V. Techniques :

- Skill – based ( reading, speaking, writing)


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Lesson Plan (grade 11 – advanced)
Period 122: 	Preparation date : 14/04/2008
Unit :	15	Lesson : wonders of the world. (cont)	
Aims :
By the end of the lesson, the students are able to scan reading for specific information.
By the end of the lesson, the students will know more about wonders of the world.
Lexical items :
- statistics	- suppose	- under construction	- vote
- iron frame 	- engineer
Structures :
The Eiffel Town in Paris, France is said to be among the tallest man-made structures in the word.
Seven of twenty five nominated sites will be elected the New Seven Wonders of the world
Teaching aids:
- textbook	- picture / drawings
- chalk 	- handouts
Techniques : 
- Skill – based ( reading, speaking, writing)
Procedures :	
Teacher’s and students’ activities
1. Warm-up & lead-in 
Checking Vocabulary: “Rub out and remember”
- rub out the words and leave the explanations on the board.
- point at each explanation and have SS speak out the word
- again, point at any explanation ( not in the order written on the board) and have SS to call Summarize the main ideas of p1 and p2
- call on a St to summarize the text which they learnt last time 
- comment and correct them
out the word.
Transition: to understand more clearly about the text, today we’ll learn the comprehension. – Write on the board: 
Unit15 : wonders of the world. (cont)
Chalk and board
Chalk and board.
2. Pre-reading 
Teaching Vocabulary
- write new words on the bb. 
- elicit meanings from Sts or give explanations yourself
- leave some minutes for Sts to copy.
- give some practice on pronunciation ( T reads – Sts repeat in chorally, then asks Sts to read individually.)
- statistics	(n) : so lieu thong ke	
- suppose	(v) de nghi	
- under construction : dang trong qua trinh xay dung	
- vote (v) : bo phieu
- iron frame (n) khung sat	
- engineer (n) : ky su
Chalk and board
3. while - reading
4. Post-reading
Activity 1: sentence completion (task b, textbook, p 202)
- have SS read the text again and complete the sentences
- swap partners and have SS to compare their answers
- call on SS to write the answers up on the board
- go over the answers with the class.
Activity 2:Task c ( task c, textbook, p 202)
- have SS read the text again and complete the sentences
- swap partners and have SS to compare their answers
- call on SS to write the answers up on the board
- go over the answers with the class.
writing: sentence building.
- Give Sts handouts , and ask them to make sentences using the cues.
- Sts do the task
- T correct th
Answer the questions :
1. 200 BC
2. September 1999n the new seven wonders of the world
3. UNESCO’s world heritage list.
4. seven
5. Saturday, July 7, 2007
6. the Eiffel
7. under construction
1. New York – The Statue of Liberty
2. Paris – The Eiffel Tower
3. Pisa – The Leaning Tower of Pisa
4. Moscow – The Kremlin and Red Square
5. Beijing – the Great Wall of China.
6. Agra – The Taj Mahal.
Chalk + book + small board
5. Homework
- Ask Sts to learn new words by heart and review the today’s lesson.
- Prepare the new lessons for the next time
Book and notebook

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